Monday, 19 May 2014


They teach me what they want me to know,
they inform me guided by certain parameters
I shouldnt know beyond those boundaries
Now free my mind and let me go beyond horizons 
Let me understand how the Americans went to the moon
Give me reasons why Obama won a noble peace prize for killing
Let me get to the comprehension
 of this thing the call big bang theory 
Give me reasons why?
 we are not going to discover beyond what Newton did
Please explain to me this so-called "black hole" theory
Tell me why Tesla's inventions were never patented

 and some were even hidden
Tell me why thorium isn't being used in nuclear power

 when it has less harmful effects than uranium
I just need to know more
Free my mind and let me see beyond this cloud of deception

Takudzwa .D Ziwenjere

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